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Articles from the category: Artificial Intelligence

Myth: AI understands me, but I can’t understand it

We can contribute multiple perspectives to designing and implementing AI systems that impact us all differently.

Myth: AI algorithms decide what you see online

One myth posits that AI algorithms are tools used unilaterally by corporations to control what we see; the other argues that these algorithms are mere mirrors, and we are the ones who control what we see online.

Myth: AI will end discrimination

We approach the de-mystification of this claim by looking at concrete examples of how AI (re)produces inequalities and connect those to several aspects which help to illustrate socio-technical entanglements.

Siri’s evil sister. When the Dutch public service steals your data

β€œSystem Risk Indication” (SyRI) deployed by the dutch government for automatically detecting social benefit fraud. The program was shut down due to a severe lack in transparency and unproportional collection of data. This demonstrates how automating public services fails, when not properly implemented.

Myth: AI will kill us all!

AI is used in various military applications – supporting new concepts of command and control and enabling autonomous targeting functions. This accelerates warfare and erodes human control, causing legal & ethical challenges.

Myth: What you do with AI in the bedroom is your own thing

While sexuality is considered to be something private, the sex robot reproduces the public/private divide by reinforcing the idea that a feminized caregiver is supposed to provide emotional support and sexualized care work.