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Articles from the category: Artificial Intelligence

Titelbild Blogbeitrag Explainable AI

Explaining AI – How to explain the unexplainable?

Complex automated decision making systems have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Should we even care to understand how AI-based decisions are made?

Civil Society and AI: Striving for ethical governance

Civil society participation is key to ensure an ethical and equitable AI. But what are the challenges facing societal actors who want to actively engage in governance processes?

Banner zum Blogbeitrag:Der unternehmerische Einsatz von KI zum Wohl der Gesellschaft

Using AI for social good in entrepreneurship: promises & perils

We show how entrepreneurs are using AI for social good and shed light on some of their challenges. What are promises and perils of social entrepreneurship?

Banner zum Blogbeitrag: explainable AI

Why explainable AI needs such a thing as Society

Explainable AI (XAI) frameworks focus strongly on individual interests, while a societal perspective falls short. The solution? An incorporation of collective interests in target group specific communication.

Titelbild Blogbeitrag: Deep Fakes

Deep fakes: the uncanniest variation of manipulated media content so far

Deep fakes are certainly not the first occurrence of manipulated media content. So what fuels this extraordinary feeling of uncanniness we associate with them?

Titelbild Blogpost Technological Pluriverse: Reflektierende Luftblasen vor einem hellgrünen Hintergrund.

Towards the Technological Pluriverse

How does the design practice of digital technology need to be fundamentally changed to create a more inclusive digital future? Adriaan Odendaal & Karla Zavala Barreda on creating the idea of technological pluriverse through board games.