Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Agnieszka Jabłonowska is a fellow at the AI & Society Lab at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
She is an assistant professor at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, where she works at the project “Citizen empowerment through online terms of service review: an automated transparency assessment by explainable AI”.
In her research Agnieszka examines how AI systems can be used to assess the compliance of standard terms and privacy policies with the EU consumer law and data protection law. Her work responds to the observed power asymmetries in digital consumer markets, which are further exacerbated by the traders’ use of AI. The interdisciplinary project, to which Agnieszka contributes, proposes to counteract these asymmetries by using AI systems to the advantage of consumers and the civil society.
Prior to her current position, Agnieszka was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. She obtained a PhD in law from the University of Lodz, Poland, after defending her dissertation on consumer protection in the platform economy. Agnieszka has been involved, among others, in the European Law Institute’s project “Draft Model Rules on Online Intermediary Platforms”, the European University Institute’s project “Artificial Intelligence Systems and Consumer Law & Policy”, and the project “Consumer Protection and Artificial Intelligence. Between Law and Ethics” at the University of Lodz.
During her fellowship at the HIIG Agnieszka considers the two dimensions of transparency associated with AI in the consumer domain, namely, the benchmarks for assessing transparency of the relevant business practices and transparency of decision-support systems deployed with consumer interests in mind. As part of her collaboration with the AI & Society Lab, she will also explore the broader technological and institutional conditions that need to be fulfilled for AI systems purporting to advance the public interest to truly realise this goal.

Former Fellow: AI & Society Lab