Call for Papers: General Online Research 2014
Das Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft ist Programmpartner der jährlichen General Online Research Conference 2014 (GOR14), die von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung e.V. veranstaltet wird, und gestaltet den Track “Internet and Society”. Im folgenden Abschnitt finden Sie eine englische Zusammenfassung des Call for Papers:
Conference date: 05-07 March 2014 | Venue: Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Main topics: Social Media Research, Market Research, Survey Research / Methodology, and Internet and Society
GOR has been organized by the German Society for Online Research (DGOF, since 1997. Local Organizer: Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Simone Fühles-Ubach and Prof. Dr. Matthias Fank
Conference Topics
All submissions relevant to online research are welcome. Presentations in the last years covered a broad range of topics, be it online surveys or research concerning the Internet or social aspects of the Web. Since 1997, GOR has been attended by researchers and other professionals who want to stay on top of new developments and best practices for their work in companies and academia. A more comprehensive list of possible topics and past award winners can be found at
Internet and Society (Track D)
Presentations address questions in the broad field of Internet and society. Presentations will either cover the interrelationship between Internet and society or focus on openness in science and business. Talks on openness will cover the topics open science, open access, open data, open education, open hardware, open government, open innovation as well as co-creation, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and participation. This track will be organised in cooperation with the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
Submission Format
The official conference language is English. Abstracts should be submitted online via
The abstract length can be up to 350 words. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed with respect to the quality of each of the four paragraphs in the abstract. Please submit your abstract until 15 November 2013. Extended Submission Deadline 19 November 2013.
Review Process
All abstracts are scored in a double-blind peer review by members of the GOR International Board according to the criteria mentioned in the submission format (clarity and quality of the four aspects: relevance & research question, methods & data, results, added value). Most submissions receive feedback and comments from 3 reviewers, together with the final decision of acceptance or rejection. Naturally, the chances of acceptance are increased if all four criteria are addressed in the abstract.
The program committee is in charge of the final decisions based on the reviews.
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