Dear friends and fellow researchers,
While everyday life is a bit quieter than usual, the internet never sleeps. That's why we've used the first few months of the new year to immerse ourselves fully in digital spheres. While the current situation makes a digital detox even less possible than usual, we are creatively adapting to the new situation and making the best of it: whether we are discussing how to advance a sustainable fee-free open access publishing model, launching the first interactive repository of platform policies or delving into the debate about how AI can best serve the public interest – our urge to do research is unbroken!
In this newsletter, you will find out more about what is currently on our minds and what new projects, research teams and initiatives have emerged.
Jeanette Hofmann | Björn Scheuermann | Thomas Schildhauer | Wolfgang Schulz |
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Freshly Launched | Repository of Platform Policies |
How can we easily compare policies on misinformation or hate speech on online platforms? With the Platform Governance Archive (PGA), HIIG researchers are taking a pioneering step in collaborative research. The interactive tool is open to researchers, citizens and journalists from all over the world. It collects and organises platforms’ documents on their regulation and governance and makes them available via open access. |
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Public Interest AI | Introducing the New Team |
Very exciting things are in the making: our most recent research group, Public Interest AI, explores the societal challenges that arise from the introduction of AI in political, social and cultural processes. But what exactly is meant by this and what factors are particularly important? In their #KICamp21 webinar, the research team sheds light on their various projects and the main research question: |
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DUCAH | First Founder's Forum |
The Digital Urban Center for Aging and Health (DUCAH) facilitates a dialogue between different research fields, sectors and stakeholders. For its first Founder’s Forum on 31 March, scientists from various disciplines and research institutions as well as representatives from 17 organisations met virtually for the first time. The substantive work started with the first quarterly meeting on 19 April. Here the participants, including the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and HIIG researchers, worked on wicked problems in the interplay of digitisation, urbanisation and health. |
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_Gemeinsam Digital I Project Completion | | | |
InnOAccess | New Directions in Publishing | | | |
Scholar-led Plus I Follow-up Project to InnOAccess |
More great news on open access! With Scholar-led Plus, a joint project by HIIG and Knowledge Unlatched, our researchers Christian Katzenbach and Marcel Wrzesinski aim to further advance open access publishing. They plan to keep on contributing to the research on how to develop a sustainable model of publisher-independent, quality-assured non-APC Open Access journals in small, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects. Hats off! |
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"We are on a Mission"| Exploring Future Imaginaries |
How do future visions relate to the making and governing of digital technology nowadays? Following up on a workshop in 2018, HIIG researcher Christian Katzenbach and former visiting researcher Astrid Mager published a Special Issue at New Media & Society. It sheds light on how software providers, tech companies and legislators dig into the rich pool of cultural norms, visions and values to support (or question) digital tools, rules and regulations. |
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Ethics of Digitalisation | Research Clinic Completed |
Who gets to see what on the internet? And who decides why? These are among the most crucial questions regarding online communication spaces – and they especially apply to job advertising online. The fellows of the international research project “The Ethics of Digitalisation – From Principles to Practices” successfully completed the research clinic in February 2021. They addressed the highly relevant topic of "Increasing Fairness in Targeted Advertising: The Risk of Gender Stereotyping by Job Ad Algorithms”. |
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Jung. Digital. Engagiert | Print Publication Out Now |
Digitalisation is radically changing the framework for social life and new forms of civic engagement are emerging. But the virtual organisation of activities for a good cause is still little known to the public. The German-language portrait series Jung. Digital. Engagiert. Freiwillige im Portrait. (Young. Digital. Committed to Volunteering.) shows how young volunteers participate in shaping digital society by using their technological knowledge… |
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Framing the Debate | We Need To Talk About Data |
The free flow of data is an essential component of the digital transformation. However, different concerns have led to policy initiatives that invoke the notion of data sovereignty. These would potentially limit cross-border data flows. As a member of the ad-hoc group, associated researcher Clara Iglesias Keller contributed to an Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network (I&JPN) report, supported by HIIG and released on 6 April at the WEF Global Technology Governance Summit. |
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HIIG BOOKSHELF | Further Worthwhile Publications |
Big Data Dreams and Local Reality in China | 15 June |
The next event in our academic lecture series “Making sense of the digital society” will take place on 15 June. The guest speaker for this discussion is Genia Kostka, Professor of Chinese Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin. She will be discussing “Big data dreams and local reality in China.” To stay up to date, check our website or... |
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Give young people a voice! | 8 June 2021 |
We invite young volunteers to a day of dialogue with decision-makers from politics, science and civil society. They will have the opportunity to express their ideas, demands and wishes for the recognition and strengthening of their engagement for society. The dialogue is organised by the project team of the Third Engagement Report. |
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From the Assembly Line to AI | 28 April 2021 |
In what areas of work is AI already being used today and what are the aims behind this use? How will it change everyday working life? Is it about relieving people or replacing them? And how do employees view the use of AI? At the next event in our talk series Digitaler Salon, HIIG researcher Georg von Richthofen will discuss options for a socially acceptable form of AI in the world of work. |
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Beyond HIIG | Events that Caught our Eye |
27 April 2021 | KI Camp | digital event |
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Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) Französische Straße 9, 10117 Berlin, Germany | info@hiig.de |
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